New Study Says Half of Workers Will Be Replaced by Robots

Employment expert weighs in

A recent study has just revealed that technology could replace as many as half of all low-skilled jobs in the United States. The findings confirm earlier findings which say that fast-food workers could be at serious risk of losing their jobs to robots in the next several years.

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert says, “While the technology industry does offer employment, it also will eventually end up taking millions of positions away. And, not only do they take positions away, they also lower wages. A recent study found that each new robot added per 1,000 workers causes wages to drop in the surrounding area by around 0.25 and 0.5 percent.”

Wilson says minimum wage hikes could also make robots the preferred option for employers. “Robots don’t need raises,” he says. “They don’t need healthcare or sick days. For employers who are looking down the barrel of ever-increasing business costs, robots are a cost-saving option in the long-run.”

However, Wilson assures Americans that automation is far from a death knell for the economy. “Yes, automation is going to change the economic landscape, but it’s not going to turn the country into a dystopia run by robots. However, workers do need to make sure that they diversify their skills and become adept in many different functions, as robots (such as the automated burger flippers in fast-food joints) have limited abilities. It’s no longer enough just to show up and do your daily duties. A worker has to be engaged, present and connected to their fellow workers and their customers, as this human connection is something that a robot can never achieve.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at

The Fearful Cost of Going Freelance

Employment expert reveals the hidden dangers of the gig economy

RideshareOver 25 percent of Americans are now participating in the new “gig economy,” in which they work part-time or contracted positions, instead of dedicated full-time positions. However, a new study warns that the gig economy could be destructive for Americans’ health and well-being.

Rob Wilson, employment trends expert and President of Employco USA, says, “The research shows that a gig economy leaves most part-time workers without health care, retirement funding, dental care, or disability benefits. Meanwhile, many of these ‘giggers’ often have to work more than one job in order to make ends meet, and this is particularly increasing among female workers.”

In fact, Wilson says that holding multiple part-time jobs can actually be destructive to a woman’s earning potential, saying, “One study showed that women who held a number of part-time jobs in their 20s saw absolutely no increase in earnings in their 30s, meaning that even as their experience and their families’ needs grow, they do not earn a dollar more.”

The gig economy can also be destructive to a worker’s physical health. “An Italian study found that contract workers are more likely to suffer from depression and require prescription anti-depressants,” says Wilson. “Which is ironic considering these workers often don’t have health insurance which makes this medication extremely cost-prohibitive.”

Furthermore, Wilson says that these workers are offered very little protection under the law, which has led to many gig employees complaining about inhumane work environments and harassment. “Those who work for companies like Uber don’t have much in the way of legal protection, nor do they have any certainty of their earning potential even a few months into the future. It’s clear that the gig economy is not kind to workers on many levels, which is why the focus right now needs to be on creating permanent full-time positions for employees of all ages. While it is possible to make a lucrative living solely off freelance work, the reality is that it comes at a cost, and not many Americans are prepared to pay the price.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at

Why More People Are Lying on Their Resumes

H.R. expert explains the uptick in falsified resumes…and what to do about it

A recent survey found that over 85 percent of people lie or embellish on their resumes…and deception is on the rise.

Rob Wilson, human resources expert and President of Employco USA, says, “In today’s competitive job market, many people are ‘padding’ their resume to help them get in the door. Many people don’t even consider it to be a dishonest thing to do. They figure it is like taking the shampoo bottles from a hotel room, something that is expected and allowed.”

So what are these applicants lying about, and what should employers do about it? Wilson says:

  1. Education. “Applicants tend to falsify their education histories. While most don’t outright lie about their B.A., they might pretend to have certifications or training that they actually don’t have. If an employer sees certificates on a employees’ resume, it would behoove them to inquire about it during the interview. Whether it’s a proficiency in Excel or knowing a second language, applicants tend to fudge their expertise in order to sound more impressive.”
  2. Length of employment at past jobs. “Many applicants try to hide a period of past unemployment by making it seem as though they worked longer at past jobs than they actually did. It’s one of the most important things to check up on when calling references.”
  3. References. “Speaking about references, many people use past coworkers as references, rather than actual managers. It’s an easy thing to fudge on a resume, which is why H.R. personnel need to actually look up the company’s director and find the actual executive in charge. Otherwise, you could be speaking with someone who knew your applicant as a Happy Hour buddy rather than an employee.”
  4. Job duties. “Applicants may pad their past job duties in order to sound more experienced. For example, an applicant may say that they had direct supervision over other employees or that they spearheaded certain initiatives at their past company. These are all things that need to be addressed both during the interview and when speaking with the applicant’s references.”
  5. Salary history. “People may lie about their salary history in order to help them gain an upper hand during salary negotiations at their next job. In fact, many people are now saying that employers should not even inquire about salary history due to wage inequality issues, and in fact New York City just passed a measure to ban employers from asking job applicants about their salary history.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at