New Survey: More Layoffs Coming Soon as Mental Health in the Workplace Plummets

Employment expert discusses new findings which show a bleak economic future and increasing despair among employees

COVID-19 SurveyMental health in the workplace has never been so tenuous. New research shows that both employers and employees are under extreme strain due to the coronavirus pandemic.

A recent survey performed by Employco USA found that many employers have a very bleak outlook for their economic future. 85% of employers don’t have a strong outlook on the economic conditions in the U.S. over the next 6 months, and over half of employers say that they are anticipating the need for more layoffs and furloughs in the next 6 months.

“According to our survey, we are seeing that the worst is far from over,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, an employment solutions firm with locations across the country. “Although many areas of the country are slowly opening up, it’s not going to be enough to help businesses make it to 2021 without laying off more employees.”

Wilson says that employers aren’t the only ones who are fearful and worried about the future. Employees are also suffering from the realization that their job is not secure and their company may be facing more layoffs.

“Not only are employers facing a really tough struggle right now, but a new study also found that employees are 3 times more likely to be suffering from poor mental health right now,” says Wilson. “More than half of employees say that they haven’t been able to have productive conversations with their H.R. departments about managing burnout and emotional stress.”

Wilson says that one of the best ways employers can support their staff and ensure productivity remains high is by investing in their workers’ mental health.

“Now, more than ever, it’s really important for employers to look for ways they can support emotional well-being and create a supportive, safe culture for their employees,” says Wilson. “If you have remote workers, as many employers do, set reasonable expectations for a worker’s hours, rather than contacting your staff at all times of day and night. Organize Zoom calls that are just for checking in and chatting as a team, rather than structured meetings that are focused solely on your to-do lists. Have distanced meetings outdoors to get some much-needed sunshine and get to see your staff face-to-face (or mask-to-mask).

Gift your employees with a virtual yoga session with a community yoga studio in your area. Encourage healthy habits and let your employees know you understand the strain they are under, especially as parents move into the fall with virtual learning ahead for their children. Create an online suggestion box or survey your workers to find ways you can better support them as they manage work/life during a pandemic.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at