Webinar: Employee Terminations – Best Practices

Employco USA, Inc.

 Employco Webinar, September 2018

Terminating an employee can be one of the most difficult parts of a manager’s job. Many managers and HR professionals rush through the process in order to make it less painful; however, this is a big mistake. Having a termination process in place is just as important as creating a comprehensive onboarding program. Employers that don’t follow best practices when deciding to terminate an employee can face claims of discrimination or wrongful termination.

Covered topics:

  • Employee documentation issues
  • Severance agreements and general releases
  • Final paycheck rules
  • Company property recovery
  • Employee benefits coverage
  • Location, timing and flow of termination meetings
  • Exit interviews

Employco’s subject matter experts facilitate HR Webinars for Management to assist employers with current labor law analysis, trends and best practices to incorporate into practical workforce management. Our webinars are scheduled for 30 minutes because we understand company leaders’ busy schedules and the importance of time management.

Jason Eisenhut