Podcast: Leadership Development and 2023 Outlook w/Scott Robinson

On this month’s HR podcast Rob, Scott, and Jason are joined by special guest Scott Robinson (Managing Director of Robinson Resource Group and Founder of SearchWorks, LLC) to discuss leadership development and their outlook for 2023. They touch on executive coaching, developing high-performance leaders, finding the “blind spots,” focusing on company culture, skills and trends to watch for in 2023, a look into the crystal ball for next year, new workforce priorities, focusing on your employees, better retention, succession and development planning, and more! They also take a quick look at company holiday parties, from the do’s and don’ts to team building and safety.

Happy holidays, we’ll talk to you next year!

Podcast: Leadership Development and 2023 Outlook w/Scott Robinson

Contact us with any questions you may have, we’re here to help: hr@employco.com