Work-from-Home (WFH) Practices Survey Results

Work-from-Home (WFH) Practices Survey Results

Employco recently conducted a Work-From-Home Practices Survey of 3,000 business owners across multiple states. Thanks to everyone who took the time to submit their responses. The survey included the following 7 multiple-choice questions:

  1. Describe your current practices for employees, with remote-capable jobs, to work-from-home (WFH).
  2. How do your current WFH practices compare to pre-pandemic 2019 for employees with remote-capable jobs?
  3. How do your current WFH practices compare to 2021 for employees with remote-capable jobs?
  4. Where would you like to see your company’s WFH practices in the future?
  5. Describe the effect that employees working from home has had on your company’s productivity.
  6. Describe the effect that employees working from home has had on your company’s profitability.
  7. How does the current size of your workforce (total # of employees regardless of the person’s WFH status) compare to pre-pandemic 2019?

Click the following link or scroll through the images below to view a summary of the survey results:

Survey Question 1
Survey Question 2
Survey Question 3
Survey Question 4
Survey Question 5
Survey Question 6
Survey Question 7