New Study Says Half of Workers Will Be Replaced by Robots

Employment expert weighs in

A recent study has just revealed that technology could replace as many as half of all low-skilled jobs in the United States. The findings confirm earlier findings which say that fast-food workers could be at serious risk of losing their jobs to robots in the next several years.

Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and employment trends expert says, “While the technology industry does offer employment, it also will eventually end up taking millions of positions away. And, not only do they take positions away, they also lower wages. A recent study found that each new robot added per 1,000 workers causes wages to drop in the surrounding area by around 0.25 and 0.5 percent.”

Wilson says minimum wage hikes could also make robots the preferred option for employers. “Robots don’t need raises,” he says. “They don’t need healthcare or sick days. For employers who are looking down the barrel of ever-increasing business costs, robots are a cost-saving option in the long-run.”

However, Wilson assures Americans that automation is far from a death knell for the economy. “Yes, automation is going to change the economic landscape, but it’s not going to turn the country into a dystopia run by robots. However, workers do need to make sure that they diversify their skills and become adept in many different functions, as robots (such as the automated burger flippers in fast-food joints) have limited abilities. It’s no longer enough just to show up and do your daily duties. A worker has to be engaged, present and connected to their fellow workers and their customers, as this human connection is something that a robot can never achieve.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at