Mask Mandates Lift Across the Nation, Leaving Coworkers at Odds

HR expert explains how to navigate conflicting mask viewpoints in the office

MaskAs counties and states across the nation drop their mask mandates, Americans are at odds over whether the decision to un-mask is safe or not.

“What we are seeing is that many people are afraid to take their masks off,” says Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, a national employment solutions firm. “And not necessarily because of the virus. But because they worry that they will be judged or their careers will be harmed if they drop the mask.”

Wilson says industries like hospitality are in a particularly tricky spot.

“Many employers are hesitant to let their hospitality employees drop the mask,” says Wilson. “They fear criticism or bad reviews online from disgruntled customers who don’t want the mask mandates to end.”

Teachers also face a similar dilemma. Even though mask mandates have been lifted in most schools, many educators feel compelled to keep their masks on to show solidarity with students and families who want the mask mandates to continue.

“At this point, masking up or not masking feels like a loaded political statement,” says Wilson. “It’s no longer just a face covering. It’s almost a public declaration of your political beliefs, and it’s no wonder that this is very troublesome to navigate in the workplace.”

Wilson says many of his clients have struggled with how to drop masks without alienating employees or customers.

“When you have an open workspace, and one worker wants to stop wearing masks, but others in their vicinity do not, it becomes a very divided office,” says Wilson. “We have seen employees say that if masks go away, they will not feel comfortable working in-office and want to go back to remote work.”

So, what should employers do?

“Your HR team should be reviewing the latest mandates and directives in your county,” says Wilson. “Communication about mask expectations and courtesy in the office is also a good idea. Remind your employees that they can’t demand others to wear a mask or tell them to drop their mask, reinforce the idea of personal responsibility.”

For more on this topic, please contact Rob Wilson at