HR Newsletter: EEOC Opens EEO-1 Reporting Portal for 2019 & 2020 Data

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

The portal for private-sector employers to submit equal employment opportunity (EEO-1) workforce data from 2019 and 2020 is now open, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced April 26, 2021. The deadline for submissions is July 19, 2021. This data collection was previously delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

EEO-1 Reporting Background – Mandated under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the EEO-1 Report is an annual survey that requires certain employers to submit information about their workforces by race or ethnicity, gender and job category by March 31st every year. The EEOC uses the collected data to enforce Title VII’s prohibitions against employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin or sex.

Employers Subject to EEO-1 Reporting – In general, a private-sector employer is subject to EEO-1 reporting if it:

  • Has 100 or more employees;
  • Has 15-99 employees and is part of a group of employers with 100 or more employees; or
  • Is a federal contractor with 50 or more employees and a contract of $50,000 or more.

Employco is pleased to announce that we will resume the administration and filing of the EEO-1 Report for applicable clients at no additional cost. Through an analysis of our payroll records, we will contact clients that may be subject to the reporting to coordinate a review of their workforce.

Please contact us with any questions.